Thursday, October 31, 2019

Comparison Between Macy's And Polo Specialty Store Essay

Comparison Between Macy's And Polo Specialty Store - Essay Example The invention of the black and white television in 1949 gave a substantial boost to the children wear industry. Children wear shows become popular programs and their licensing made quite a substantial amount of money for the children wear manufacturers. This money was in return re-invested back into the industry thereby enlarging and making it bigger. 1958 and 1959 were also noteworthy years for the fashion industry as the Hush Puppies shoes, and the Barbie Doll were invented respectively. The puppies' shoes were necessary for protecting the feet of the children as walking or working without shoes was not only stressful but also painful and full of discomfort. The invention spirit did not stop as several other new trends in children wear continued to be invented. During the entire 1960's, a whole lot of a variety of colors, patterns, and prints were produced. Some of these colors were light blue, light pink and light green. 1n 1970, various textiles including polyester were invented. Since the invention of the sewing machine, the discovery and subsequent use of manufactured fiber in apparel was another enormous development in the children wear industry. By this time, children wear was also beginning to look like adult wear. In 1980, a crucial shift occurred from manufactured fiber to more natural fiber such as cotton and linen among others. Naturals fibers were of immense preference over the manufactured fibers were either cheap, readily available or simply made better children's clothes.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

These other packet provides information Essay Example for Free

These other packet provides information Essay Nmap done tells you how many IP addresses were scanned and how long it took 8. How many total IP hosts (not counting Cisco device interfaces) did Zenmap GUI (Nmap) find on the network? 5 IP host on the network 9. Based on your Nmap scan results and initial reconnaissance and probing, what next steps would you perform on the VSCL target machines? Use the file transfer buttons to download the Lab #1 LMAP scan. xml and Lab #1 topology fisheye chart. pdf Soft copy of the Zenmap GUI Intense Scan report in XML format . xml Topology fisheye bubble chart in PDF format Perform a Vulnerability Assessment Scan Using Nessus This lab demonstrates the first three steps in the hacking process that is typically performed when conducting ethical hacking or penetration testing. The first step in the hacking process is to perform an IP host discovery and port/services scan (Step 1 : Reconnaissance and Probing) on a targeted IP subnetwork using ZenMap GUI (Nmap) security scanning software. The second step in the hacking process is to perform a vulnerability assessment scan (Step 2: Scanning) on the targeted IP subnetwork using [emailprotected] vulnerability assessment scanning software. Finally, the third step in the hacking process (Step 3: Enumeration) is to identify information pertinent to the vulnerabilities found to exploit the vulnerability. 1 . What is the application Zenmap GUI typically used for? Describe a scenario in which you would use this type of application. This application is used to perform an intense scan of all 36 test scripts using the profile selection or you can Just select a specific IP address using the Target selection. I would use this application to determine the vulnerability of my computer by completing an assessment scan of my ntire system. 2. Which application is used for Step 2 in the hacking process to perform a vulnerability assessment scan? Nmap-Zenmap GUI 3. What must you obtain before you begin the ethical hacking process or penetration test on a live production network, even before performing the reconnaissance step? Create a custom Security Policy 4. What is a CVE listing? Who hosts and who sponsors the CVE database listing website? CVE listing is standardized identifiers for common computer vulnerabilities and exposures. Cybersecurity and Communications at the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, the MITRE Corporation 5. Can Zenmap GUI detect which operating systems are present on IP servers and workstations? Which option includes that scan? Yes, service info: OS: Linux 6. If you have scanned a live host and detected that it is running Windows XP workstation OS, how would you use this information for performing a Nessus vulnerability assessment scan? I would know that would be able to perform this scan 7. Once a vulnerability is identified by Nessus, where can you check for more information regarding the identified vulnerability, exploits, and the risk mitigation solution? Ports/Protocols, 443/tcp, Plugin Name: Service Detection 8. What is the major difference between Zenmap GUI and Nessus? Nessus scans for vulnerabilitys and Zenmap GUI is used to map network host within an open port. 9. Why do you need to run both Zenmap GUI and Nessus to perform the first three steps of the hacking process? The Zenmap has already run an intense scan on the 254 IP address to map out the network which makes Nessus able to find the vulnerability located within the 254 IP address. Zenmap GUI scan report in soft copy with your notes on what you found Nessus vulnerability scan report in HTML soft copy

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How employee motivation and productivity get effected by gender

How employee motivation and productivity get effected by gender My selected thesis topic basically lays emphasis on how employee motivation and productivity get effected by gender discrimination in workplace and how different variables effects under different envirnoment. Now I shall move to explaining the topic in detail. OVERVIEW: My research interest is in this field because I know the gravity of the situation and how important it is for both genders to treat each other equally. As we move towards development an integrated effort is needed and everyone has to do his/her bit. Women need to be looked upon as equals by men from the very start so that they can get good education and pursue good careers in the future. Gender discrimination is a very real and actual problem that is being faced by firms and more importantly women in our society. It is important to note that gender discrimination takes place not only at the workplace but in every walk of life for a common Pakistani woman. When being faced by pressure from all sides, it is very tough for the woman to carry out her day to day activities and work at her full Most of us wake up in the morning, go to college or our respective job and act in ways that are more or less our own. We respond to the atmosphere around and the people in it with little thought as to why what makes us do such things e.g. why we enjoy some activities more than others and why we fine some recreational activities better than others. All these actions are motivated by something. Motivation is defined as the forces either within or external to a person that arouse persistence and want towards completing a given course of action. Employee motivation affects productivity and part of a managers task is to channel motivation towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. Thus, a manager has to study that what motivates his employees and what influences their choice of action furthermore why they persist in that action over time. So the way people are treated deeply affects how they will perform at the workplace. Gender discrimination against someone will obviously affect his/her productivity; this study is intended to prove how deeply the two are connected to each other. Discrimination is treating of employees based on criteria that are not job related, these may include race, color, gender, ethnicity and religion. Organizations these days are moving towards diversity which means women and minorities will play a larger role in the workplace than in the past and it will be more important to keep them working at their optimum level if success is intended in the future. MANGERIAL CONCERNS: When someone in the workplace is judged, appraised, promoted or given a pay based on criteria which are not job related, discrimination occurs. This discrimination leads to the employee being demotivated because he/she knows that no matter what amount of work they put in, they will be reward on the basis of criteria which are not job related. My study is not entirely based on the wage differentials but also deals with motivational effects of discrimination at the workplace on the whole. The main motivating factor for employees has always been pay. There has used a huge gender gap in pay in Pakistan but has now decreased over time but still exists. This gap in motivation is mainly because of differences in characteristics of the jobs carried out, the labor market experience they bring to the job and discriminatory treatment of women by employers or co-workers (which will be my area of study). All these factors interact in many complex and different ways. Thus making it difficult to determine precisely how much of the difference can be attributed to discrimination. Women and men do differ greatly in their preference of jobs and the roles they play in families. Still, the skill set of a woman has now come much closer to a mans. As my thesis shall suggest, there is continuing discrimination against women in the labor market w hich leads to demotivation because there is loss of confidence for the worker. Confidence in self abilities and in the firm one is working for account as a great motivating factor. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs one of the pillars of motivation is to get appreciation for doing a certain task. Many women are raped, sexually harassed and given unfair treatment by the society leading to high rates of female illiteracy and prostitution. In my view, it is very important for the woman to be soundly educated because in our society the responsibility of raising children mainly lies with the mother. When the mother herself is not educated she can not possibly give her child the support and basic fundamental training needed to become a good human being. Moving to gender discrimination in the workplace regarding Pakistan, most of the women are house wives in our country and there are very few double income families. Although the gender gap in the workplace has reduced significantly over the past decade it still remains high with most of the working women mainly pursuing very low paid jobs e.g. teaching, nursing, receptionists and many of them work in houses as maids and helpers etc Term Working Definition Motivation [a] Motivation refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouses enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. Discrimination [b] To discriminate socially is to make a distinction between people on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit. Gender Discrimination at the workplace [c] Promoting/Rejecting or treating one person differently to another based on a criterion which is not job related. In this case mainly gender Workforce Diversity [d] Hiring people with different human qualities who belong to various cultural or sub cultural groups. Glass Ceiling [e] Invisible barriers that separate women and minorities from top management positions. Disparate Treatment Gender Discrimination [f] This is also called direct discrimination. To put it simple, it is treating an employee a different manner because of their gender. Harassment [g] Harassment refers to a wide spectrum of offensive behavior. When the term is used in a legal sense it refers to behaviors that are found threatening or disturbing, and beyond those that are sanctioned by society. Verbal Harassment [h] Verbal harassment refers to persistent and unwanted verbal advances, typically in the workplace, where the consequences of refusing are potentially very disadvantaging to the victim. Also casually known as flirting. Sources: (Daft, Richard, (2000), Management 4th Edition, p. 526) (Stokes, DaShanne. (In Press) Legalized Segregation and the Denial of Religious Freedom) (Daft, Richard, (2000), Management 4th Edition, p. 524) (Daft, Richard, (2000), Management 4th Edition, p. 453) (Daft, Richard, (2000), Management 4th Edition, p. 462) (Taylor, Allison, (2005). Wrongful Termination) (Taylor, Allison, (2005). Wrongful Termination) (Wikipedia, Study Objectives To study wage differences between men and women working on equal level in the banking sector. To conduct questionnaire surveys from employees to find out differences in treatment for males and females. Study how difficult it is for a woman to get promoted in a workplace How treatment of supervisors differs from males to females Is the working environment psychologically suitable for a woman to work in on a long-term basis. The ways harassment takes place for a women in her workplace and who is the main harasser LITREATURE REVIEW Gender discrimination and harassment are topic of immense importance as they have been under discussion for over more than a decade, many studies and researches have been conducted to investigate on the different aspects of this topic, to correlate and identify the various variables from within the studies to contribute to the society in a direct or an indirect way. All the studies point out to a healthy working environment for both Men and Women so that they are more motivated producing better results for the companies as a whole. The areas of research on this topic in the past focuses on Law, job satisfaction, employee turnover, organizational costs, social responsibility and corporate culture providing insights into many factors influenced by gender discrimination and harassment. Almost all the studies focuses on problem faced by women from within the organization and social external factors involving discrimination and effecting productivity. Relationship between the variables dr awn in the previous studies shows the direction of the research and how the factors interrelate with each other. Studies show that people have protection against this menace of discrimination and harassment but its effectiveness is always challenged and debated for over some time. Law and justice are always closely looked upon when it comes to harassment at work place. A study Gender-Based Harassment and the Hostile Work Environment (Joshua F. Thrope) tests whether non-sexually motivated gender discrimination is as serious a factor in creating a hostile working environment as sexually motivated gender discrimination. Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to all gender-motivated discrimination, in practice many lower federal courts make a distinction between sexually motivated gender discrimination and non-sexually motivated gender discrimination (gender-based harassment) in a work environment. This study illustrates a court case of Dwyer v. Smith in which a police officer alleged that her co-workers and supervisors engaged in a pattern of abusive conduct that created a hostile working environment. (Thorpe). The failure of the plaintiff to allege a case of sexual harassment proved to be fatal to her case. Sexual harassment is only a part of gender discrimination that female employees face in a hostile work employment. Ridicule, rudeness or insults directed at working women may not be sexually motivated but may still create a hostile working environment. The failure of courts to view gender-based harassment claims as actionable has reduced the availability and deterred the effectiveness of Title VII. The study claims that in order to recognise gender-based discrimination as actionable it must be severe or pervasive or it could be misinterpreted. Impacts and consequences have been explored in many previous findings and emphasis have been given on the nature and reason of harassment, but from within harassment sexual harassment is the concept which is quite highlighted factor discussed in findings as in, Recent Thinking about Sexual Harassment: A Review Essay (Elizabeth Anderson) discusses the wrongs of sexual harassment and presents three theories that capture a different aspect of sexual harassment. Dignity theory explains the offensiveness of harassment; autonomy theory deals with the coercive nature of sexual conduct whereas equality theory highlights the group based harms of sexual harassment. This article also gives an example of airlines that expect female flight attendants tolerate customers anger, rudeness or ogling without any objection and hence, make it difficult for them to perform their jobs satisfactorily. The essay also tries to provide remedies and explains that antidiscrimination law has been quite useful in helping people understand their rights and combat sexual harassment in the workplace. Most people perceive harassment and gender discrimination as a mentally or physically induced trauma but very few people measure it on the basis of the high costs involved by this practice of harassment and its deeply routed and ever growing cost is often ignored. One such article: The study Estimating the Organizational Costs of Sexual Harassment: The Case of U.S. Army (Robert H. Faley, Deborah Erdos Knapp, Gary A, Kustis, Cathy L. Z. Dubois) tested the implication of sexual harassment on the organizational costs. The increasing costs of sexual harassment encouraged organizations to give attention to the issue of sexual harassment. These costs initially included litigation and associated settlements. However, with further research it was found that harassment can lead to an overall decrease in employee motivation towards the job resulting in increases in absentees, turnover, and requests for transfers, and use of mental health services, as well as decreases in productivity (Gutek Koss, 1993; Martindale, 1990; U. S. Merit Systems Protection Board, 1981 and 1987). This study states that results indicate that the total annual cost of sexual harassment in the U.S. Army in 1988 was over $250,000,000. This not only brought attention to the organizational costs of s exual harassment and also to the seriousness of the problem as well. However, this study concludes that increase in the proportion of females in the military would increase that part of the total costs of harassment associated with females and as a result the cost of sexual harassment may grow even more. Furthermore it implies that losing a higher rank female in the army due to sexual harassment would cost a staggering amount. Hence sexual harassment continues to be a threat not only to the working individuals but also harms the companies financially. Gender Mainstreaming and Corporate Social Responsibility: Reporting Workplace Issues (Kate Grosser, Jeremy Moon 2005) focuses on the potential of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to gender equality. The paper states that women are provided equal opportunity in the workplace by the combination of legal compliance, business care and social regulation (Dickens 1999) and the theory of CSR combines all these three notions. This study suggests that a reason for slow progress in reporting gender issues is the lack of platform for gender issues to be discusses. The study has highlights the under-representation of womens issues and has stressed on the need of women representation in company practices, as employees, community members, consumers and investors among other things. The impact of sexual harassment in a legal profession on job satisfaction is examined in The Effects of Sexual Harassment on Job Satisfaction, Earnings, and Turnover among Female Lawyers (David N. Laband and Bernard F. Lentz). The results from American Bar Associations National Survey of Career Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction (1990) show that nearly two-thirds of female lawyers in private practice and nearly half of those in corporate or public agency settings reported either experiencing or observing sexual harassment by male superiors, colleagues, or clients during the two years prior to the survey. The study shows that overall job satisfaction is significantly lower among female lawyers who experienced or witnessed sexual harassment by male superiors and colleagues than among those who did not experience or witness such harassment. According to statistics shown in the study, job satisfaction among female employees is affected more than twice as strongly by sexual harassment than by t heir annual income. The study also implies that there is a direct relation between sexual harassment and intention to quit current employment. However, the study was limited by the fact that the survey did not refer to the degree of harassment. Implementation Mechanism (Shamreeza Riaz) discusses the provision of law related to sexual harassment at workplace and the effectiveness of its implementation. This study was conducted in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Interviews were conducted with the work force of organizations, women activists, NGO workers and educational institutions. The writer argues that women participation in the making policies and in decision making can lead to a prosperous nation. However, the true potential of women is hindered due to the difficulties that they face at the work place. The Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2010 provides the definition and kinds of harassment at the workplace. According to the study, in 20-30% sexual harassment cases, women remain silent because of their dignity and self respect. 70% of the women are victims of physical harassment and verbal and other kinds of harassment. The writer lists the causes of harassment as lack of awareness, misuse of authori ty, lack of organizational policy and a male dominant society. The study shows that sexual harassment has very serious consequences resulting in the loss of job, a hostile environment and physical and psychological breakdown while some women are forced to quit their jobs. The International Labour Organization, United Nation on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, Beijing program for action Declaration, European Union Legislation and Organization of American State all provide laws aiming to prevent gender discrimination. The study Branded: Corporate Image, Sexual Stereotyping, and the New Face of Capitalism (Dianne Avery, Marion G. Crain) aims to show how the adoption of sophisticated forms of marketing are distinct from the workers physical and mental labour. The study reveals the case of Jespersen v. Harrahs Operating Co. in which the court rejected a female bartenders Title VII challenge to the workplaces policy that women wear makeup, which she found sexually demeaning. Employers sophisticated marketing techniques sometimes create a property like interest and employers take advantage of their employees outside of their usual work by forcing them to propagate company brands outside of the workplace. Transforming discriminatory corporate cultures (Cheryl L. Wade) discusses gender equality in corporate environment. The writer argues that companies can only change if men change. She states that even if men witness discriminatory behaviour or harassment in their workplace, they fail to take necessary action that could promote gender equality. Many male managers may seem to support gender equality but still ignore gender conflicts in the work place. If the CEO of a company strives to bring a culture of gender equality then the workers will follow his example. Moreover, the writer states that sometimes women allow sexist comments and jokes to go unnoticed in an attempt to show that they belong to the right workplace. The corporate workplace also seems to work on the expectation that women of colour can be given jobs that are not valued in the corporate context. Hence, such negative stereotypes adversely affect the performance of women in the workplace. As the relationship between mana gement and its employees plays a central role in a companies success, it is necessary that problems of workplace discrimination be dealt with. The study Gender Justice and Its Critics focuses on the judicial practices and laws on gender discrimination. The article underlines the traditional treatment of women and the current condition of women. Women were victimized by the laws made to protect them by giving decision making powers to the male members. The writer states that in contrast to these laws, the remedial laws such as prohibition of sex-based discrimination in workplace have empowered women to make their own decisions. Laws which tried to prevent discriminatory practices have created distinct profession for men and women. Furthermore, Gender Justice claims that it is not opposed to the needs of working mothers but offers that parental benefits be given to both males and females. The study The Price of Man and Women: A Hedonic Pricing Model of Avatar Attributes in a Synthetic World (Edward Castronova 2003) investigates the demand of physical attributes and qualities of the social world. The study examines the computer generated avatars which are both male and female. However, the hedonic price analysis suggests that the female avatars are available at a discount and that there is less preference to have a female avatar. As this physical difference is not real in the synthetic world, this reluctance can be explained by the general assumption about the effectiveness of the female avatar. However, the study does not indicate whether this is arises from a prejudice on behalf of the population or simply the numbers indicate that more male players choose male avatars. This article was chosen because of the importance it holds in outside world other than corporate sector to give out an overview on the gender based difference one holds in his mind. They were shortcomings and left out concerns in those previous studies which can be looked upon on the basis of variables and introducing more measurable models which could relate and interlink the variables in appropriate and a strong way. Theoretical Framework DEMOGRAPHICS Characteristics of a human population Age Income Gender Race Experience Gender diversity Unfair treameant Promotion Placement Moral fairness Sexual orientation Female employee turnover Hiring firing. Work envirnoment Healthy Motivating Safety Stress Frequency of Women Promotion Number of times women get promoted at workplace More promotions to male or female? Productivity Equal treatment in terms of salary and promotion Drive Increased desire Encouragement Inspiration Motivated to work Level of satisfaction What one wants from a job and what one perceives it as offering Overall satisfaction Satisfaction with the job Satisfaction with the work Sense of achievement Scope of using own initiative Influence over the job Harrasment Offensive behaviour Intent to disturb or upset Unwanted sexual advances Bases of colour, race religion and sex Financial and recognition rewards Wages Salary Empower-ment Fringe benefits SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE TO ANALYZE THE CORRELATES OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION AND IT IMPACT ON MOTIVATION This questionnaire is being exclusively used for research purpose; all the information provided by respondents would be kept confidential. Your co-operation would be highly appreciated. Personal info: Name Age Experience in this organization Education Marital status Single Married Divorced Gender Male Female Income bracket 10,000-20,000 20,000- 50,000 50,000 above Section A Levels of Satisfaction Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I enjoy at my workplace 1 2 3 4 5 Factors can be added to improve employee motivation at your workplace 1 2 3 4 5 Would you like to stay at your workplace for long 1 2 3 4 5 I am over all satisfied by the attitude of my boss and workplace 1 2 3 4 5 Do you feel as an important part of your organization 1 2 3 4 5 Are you satisfied by your designated authority 1 2 3 4 5 GENDER DIVERSITY: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Mostly the supervisors are male 1 2 3 4 5 Majority of Co-workers are Male 1 2 3 4 5 I belive that I have equal opportunities and potential for growth as my other colleagues have 1 2 3 4 5 In my view discrimination does take place at workplace. 1 2 3 4 5 At times I have been judged/mistreated on criteria which is not merit based 1 2 3 4 5 You have been treated and judged on the basis of Gender 1 2 3 4 5 1)Race 1 2 3 4 5 2)Physical appearance 1 2 3 4 5 3)Religion 1 2 3 4 5 Working enviornement and Harassment: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree My company is strict on the laws of harassment. 1 2 3 4 5 In majority of workplace harassment cases the harasser is 1) immediate boss 1 2 3 4 5 2) Subordinates 1 2 3 4 5 3)Colleagues 1 2 3 4 5 Verbal harassment takes place 1)openly 1 2 3 4 5 Equal gender treatment creates a healthy environment at workplace. 1 2 3 4 5 If harassment occurs verbally my response would be 1)to react to the harasser the first time 1 2 3 4 5 2)Report the harassment to my boss 1 2 3 4 5 3) I would bear with it because there is no other choice. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I have been mistreated in an offensive manner because of my Gender. 1 2 3 4 5 Offensive treatment harm your ability to work. 1 2 3 4 5 I have switched my job because of unequal treatment 1 2 3 4 5 Harassment results in increased stress and anxiety 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency of promotions: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I have been quickly promoted to the post I am today. 1 2 3 4 5 Male workers get frequent promotions 1 2 3 4 5 Female have more chances of getting hired for a job at first place when the interviewee is Male 1 2 3 4 5 Male have more chances of getting hired for a job at first place when the interview is Female. 1 2 3 4 5 Female workers most get in house assignment as compared to traveling assignment 1 2 3 4 5 Female get more sexually harassed than men 1 2 3 4 5 MOTIVATION: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Discrimination affects my productivity 1 2 3 4 5 Male workers are paid more salary/wage as compared to female for the same job description 1 2 3 4 5 Male workers are more empowered to take decisions 1 2 3 4 5 Male and Female workers get same Fringe benefits 1 2 3 4 5 Low percentage of female getting promoted than men works as a less motivating factor. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Men feel more superior than women which affects motivation for women in negative way 1 2 3 4 5 Some people get desperate things to get promoted 1 2 3 4 5 Women get more limited opportunities than Men contributing negatively towards motivation 1 2 3 4 5 General training has been given to staff a your workplace in connection with general duty to promote equality between Men and Women 1 2 3 4 5 Men and Women are treated equally when it comes to performance Appraisals and analysis. 1 2 3 4 5

Friday, October 25, 2019

Photos and Images are More Powerful than Words Essay -- Argumentative

Images are More Powerful than Words The American Heritage College Dictionary defines the term image as â€Å"An optically or electronically formed representative reproduction of an object, esp. an optical reproduction formed by a lens or a mirror.† This is what is more commonly referred to as a picture. The definition of a word is â€Å"a sound or combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or a combination of morphemes.† In fact, there is a constant debate about the importance and significance of both forms of communication. Because either one can be interpreted and considered differently, depending on who the viewer or reader is, this debate has been ongoing for quite some time now. The power that images have over words is stated simply by Neil Postman’s â€Å"The Great Symbol Drain† as â€Å"one picture, we are told, is worth a thousand words† (515). So, one can take a stand in saying that images are more powerful than words, because they can be understood and interpreted differently by different people. One of the benefits of EOP Cultural Trip was the visit to the United Nations Building (UN), where there was a Mural that depicted the past, present and future achievements of the UN as an organization. The images contained in this Mural evoked so many different emotions at one time that they forced one to become completely overwhelmed and in total awe. The pictures of the Holocaust were more vivid than any that could have ever been imagined while reading any book or article on the same topic. The images depicted struggle, despair, hope, strength and determination of those who were involved in that tragedy. Everyone,... ...s, Madge Sinclair. Paramount Pictures Video, 1988. Class Film. Eng 1201-EB. Summer Session, 2002. â€Å"Image.† American Heritage College 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000. Image of Kofi A. Annan With Young Girl. EOP Cultural Trip to New York: United Nations Building, July 19, 2004. Mural of Past, Present, and Future of the United Nations. EOP Cultural Trip to New York: United Nations Building, July 19, 2004. Postman, Neil. â€Å"The Great Symbol Drain† The Presence of Others 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000. Stephens, Mitchell. â€Å"By Means of the Visible; A Picture’s Worth† The Presence of Others 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000. â€Å"Word.† American Heritage College 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis on Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace Essay

There is a great deal in keeping and evoking good and rational values. This is the chief lesson of that famous short story titled ‘The Necklace’ written by Guy de Maupassant (1) in the late Eighteenth Century. This short story tells about the proud-turned-tragic life of Madame Mathilde Loisel who dreams of an aristocratic status in life so that she would be able to experience the patrician lifestyle of some of her Parisian female friends. The life of Madame Mathilde Loisel shares a moral story that one has to have the right and proper moral values in order not to be blinded by empty materialism and pompous luxurious lifestyle. This means that there are more valuable intangible things in life that cannot be acquired by money; they can only be obtained by having rational insights and principles in life. These precious things are our human values. Human values cannot be measured by any material or monetary estimation, nor can they be taken away so easily like any commodities in the market. This means that if one possessed the right and rational values, he/she cannot be deceived by any fine and worldly things. But this does not mean that one has to denounce materialism totally. Â  The Necklace (Maupassant 5) centers on the covetous life of Madame Mathilde Loisel who is not satisfied with her middleclass position in life. Her secret sorrow is her not having all the material lavishness she desires around her. She hates the impoverished people who worked their bodies like animal just to eat three times a day. Most of the time, she spends the day thinking herself as a wealthy chatelaine who basks in the praises and admiration of people around her. She wants to be the center of attraction, and the only way to achieve this is to have expensive and luxurious garments and jewelry. Â  Madame Mathilde Loisel’s husband, Monsieur, cannot satisfy her desire in life since the latter’s salary as a clerk in the Ministry of Public Instruction is not enough to even buy her an expensive evening dress for a ballroom party. The night that changed her life forever comes when her husband receives an invitation to an official social gathering at the Ministry. Stricken by her desire to be the center of attraction at the said party, Madame Loisel is troubled because she has no appropriate elegant outfit and ornaments for the party. Luckily, her husband buys her a new dress taken from his own savings, while she borrows a stunning diamond necklace from her friend, Madame Jeanne Forestier. That night, Madame Loisel catches the attention of all the guests and even high-ranking officials because of her beauty. She enjoys the fleeting moment as the center of attraction at the dance party. However, her tragedy begins upon realizing that her diamond necklace is missing. They try to look for the missing necklace but to no avail. Â  Because of her lingering pride, the Loisel couple decides to purchase a matching diamond necklace as replacement for the lost necklace of her friend. The new diamond necklace that worth thirty-four thousand francs costs Madame Loisel her entire inheritance and the couple also incur huge debts. As a result, Monsieur and Madame Loisel have to work extra jobs in order to make both ends meet. After ten years, Madame Loisel is now older, shabbier, and less refined from a decade of physical work. Still proud and appearing tough, Madame Loisel still has the audacity to her old associates that she had once lost a diamond necklace. In the end, she is deeply depressed when she is informed by Madame Forestier that the long lost necklace is just a replication costing not more than five hundred francs. Had it not been for her covetousness and immodest desire for finer things, Madame Loisel would not have suffered her sorry fate. Her story is never new to people during her time, much more to people in this contemporary era. Today most people live beyond their means just to please others, or just to show others that they can afford to buy trendy stuff and hi-tech gadgets like cell phones and gaming gizmos. This only means that one has to have the rational and proper values so as not to be blinded by things of material value. These values may include industry, patience, humility, discipline, contentment, respect for others, and sense of self. People like Madame Loisel lack most of these good, rational qualities. If Madame Loisel only had the right values, she would have been content of what she has. But make no mistake, it is not wrong to desire for material things as long as you have the capacity to obtain them. To a person with proper values, he/she will have to work first before coveting for material objects around him/her. Â  One has to be patient in his/her work. If one wants a particular product displayed in a fashion boutique, he/she has to work hard for it. Having the right values, a person cannot be easily swayed by the tempting material luxuries around him— what he will do is to take it as an inspiration to improve his status in life. Reference: De Maupassant, Guy. The Necklace. Dramatic Publishing,

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Online Microeconomics Textbook

Free Online Microeconomics Textbook About.coms Online Microeconomics Textbook is a set of links to resources on various Microeconomics topics. As with most online microeconomics resources this is very much a work in progress, so if there is something youd like to see covered in more depth please contact me by using the feedback form. Each Microeconomics textbook covers the core material in a different order. The order here is adapted from Parkin and Bades text Economics but it should be fairly close to those in other Microeconomics texts. Online Microeconomics Textbook CHAPTER 1: What is Economics? CHAPTER 2: Production and Trade- Production Possibility Frontier- Gains From Trade and International Trade CHAPTER 3: Economic Growth CHAPTER 4: Opportunity Cost CHAPTER 5: Demand and Supply- Demand- Supply CHAPTER 6: Elasticity- Elasticity of Demand- Elasticity of Supply CHAPTER 7: Markets- Labor Markets and Minimum Wage- Taxes- Markets for Prohibited Goods CHAPTER 8: Utility CHAPTER 9: Indifference Curves CHAPTER 10: Budget Lines CHAPTER 11: Costs, Scale, and Timing- Short Run vs. Long Run- Total, Average, and Marginal Costs- Economies of Scale CHAPTER 12: Market Structure CHAPTER 13: Perfect Competition CHAPTER 14: Monopoly CHAPTER 15: Monopolistic Competition CHAPTER 16: Oligopoly and Duopoly CHAPTER 17: Factors of Production- Demand and Supply For Factors- Labor- Capital- Land CHAPTER 18: Labor Markets CHAPTER 19: Capital and Natural Resource Markets- Capital- Interest Rates- Natural Resource Markets CHAPTER 20: Uncertainty and Information- Uncertainty- Insurance- Information- Risk CHAPTER 21: Distribution of Income and Wealth CHAPTER 22: Market Failure- Government Spending- Public Goods- Externalities- Collective Action Problems If there are other topics youd like to see covered in the Online Microeconomics Textbook please contact me by using the feedback form.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to effectively explain why you have gaps on your resume

How to effectively explain why you have gaps on your resume Job gaps happen, because life happens. Maybe you’ve gotten laid off (or even fired). Maybe you took some time off from working to attend to personal matters, like a health issue, or caring for a child or family member. Our careers aren’t always constant, linear paths. But unfairly or not, having gaps can put you at a disadvantage against other candidates that have been working constantly in the field, picking up steady experience and a continuous progression through the ranks. Let’s explore how to maximize your resume to show that you’re just as qualified, gaps and all.Consider whether you should mention it at all.If the gap happened in the past, and you’re currently (or recently) employed, then you don’t need to talk about your gap at all unless asked. Don’t jump the gun just because you’re anxious about it- your interviewer might not even bring it up!Be honest†¦Sure, a few fake dates may go unnoticed by the resume reader. But they might not. And if your hiring process involves a background check, or you get tripped up when talking about your experience in person at a job interview, it’s going to be an embarrassing (and likely costly) mistake. If you’ve been out of the workforce for two years, acknowledge that fact, potentially in your cover letter, always emphasizing that you’re ready to jump back in.If an interviewer asks you why you left your last job (which is a while ago) and you happen to have lost your job, it’s okay to admit that. People get the downsizing factor- it happens to most people at some point. But again: emphasize that your skills and experience have grown and that you’re excited about this new opportunity.†¦but finesse dates if you have to.Instead of using specific months of employment, go with the year. You won’t be able to hide a gap of a year or more that way, but if you’ve been out of the game for more than a few months but less than a year, it can be easier to obscure that to the reader.Be careful of the kind of information you reveal about your gap.This applies especially if you took time off to have a kid or had a medical issue in the past. Interviewers aren’t allowed to discriminate against you on the basis of family status or physical disability, which means they can’t ask you about those things. If you go ahead and mention them yourself, though, then you’ve opened that door. So, it’s important to tread carefully. Instead of saying, â€Å"I took some time off to treat my clinical depression,† say something vague like, â€Å"I took time off for a family health issue, but now that things are better I’m so ready to put my store manager hat back on.†Tweak your resume format.Not every resume has to have the traditional job experience + skills + education format, with your work experience moving backwards chronologically. If you’re trying to set a narrative for your resume around a gap in employment, put your skills up front, taking care to spotlight ones that directly relate to the job at hand. The hiring manager needs to know, first and foremost, that you’re a good fit for the job. So you can make that connection easier if you show that you have the skills.If you have a fairly long work history, in the experience section you can emphasize only the most relevant jobs (â€Å"Relevant Work Experience), omitting ones that are way back or just not very applicable to this new job. That way, you’re not setting the expectation that every bit of your work experience is listed on the resume.Look for other kinds of experience to highlight.Maybe you volunteered while you were out of work. Maybe you took classes in coding that bumped your skills up to the next level. Look outside the usual job experience bullet points to show that you may have a gap, but you haven’t been totally out of it. Anything you can use to show that you’ve been building in the meantime will help you make the case that you’re ready to seize this new opportunity.So if you have a gap on your resume, don’t despair. It can feel intimidating to know you’re up against people who don’t have the same issue, but always remember that you’ve got great experience and skills. It’s all about showing how you plan to use those to overcome whatever challenges have come your way.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Nullification

The tariff bill of 1816 was a sort of compromise between the conflicting interests. A high duty was advocated on all goods, which could unquestionably be produced in sufficient quantity in the United States. A bill was passed in which this classification of dutiable articles was adopted, but in which protection was admitted as an incidental feature only, and the raising of revenue made the predominant principle in calculating duties. With this compromise nobody was satisfied. New agitation at once began, and in 1820 a bill was passed by the House in favor of an openly protective system. The Senate rejected this bill. Yet the protectionists, who were steadily growing in power, would not let the question rest, while the North and the South became definitively divided on this measure, the latter losing its earlier division of sentiment and becoming decidedly in favor of low tariff. With this change in opinions and national questions came a change in parties. With the end of the war the old Federal party had virtually passed out of existence. The Republican party, which became overwhelmingly predominant, now split into two new parties, the Democratic and the National Republican (which later became known as the Whig party), between which the country was for many years afterwards divided. The tariff for a considerable period remained the leading political problem. The depression of industries which followed the era of high prices and prosperity after the war gave the protectionists a strong weapon, of which they did not fail to make active use. In 1824 the question again became prominent before Congress. The plantation States were now unanimous in their opposition to the tariff measure, yet it passed both Houses by small majorities. In 1828 a new revision of the tariff was made in favor of protection. The fight had now become bitter. The general growth of manufacturing interests throughout the North had given the protectionist... Free Essays on Nullification Free Essays on Nullification The tariff bill of 1816 was a sort of compromise between the conflicting interests. A high duty was advocated on all goods, which could unquestionably be produced in sufficient quantity in the United States. A bill was passed in which this classification of dutiable articles was adopted, but in which protection was admitted as an incidental feature only, and the raising of revenue made the predominant principle in calculating duties. With this compromise nobody was satisfied. New agitation at once began, and in 1820 a bill was passed by the House in favor of an openly protective system. The Senate rejected this bill. Yet the protectionists, who were steadily growing in power, would not let the question rest, while the North and the South became definitively divided on this measure, the latter losing its earlier division of sentiment and becoming decidedly in favor of low tariff. With this change in opinions and national questions came a change in parties. With the end of the war the old Federal party had virtually passed out of existence. The Republican party, which became overwhelmingly predominant, now split into two new parties, the Democratic and the National Republican (which later became known as the Whig party), between which the country was for many years afterwards divided. The tariff for a considerable period remained the leading political problem. The depression of industries which followed the era of high prices and prosperity after the war gave the protectionists a strong weapon, of which they did not fail to make active use. In 1824 the question again became prominent before Congress. The plantation States were now unanimous in their opposition to the tariff measure, yet it passed both Houses by small majorities. In 1828 a new revision of the tariff was made in favor of protection. The fight had now become bitter. The general growth of manufacturing interests throughout the North had given the protectionist...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Managerial economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managerial economics - Essay Example There are also who are involved with the broadcasting of the music. With the beginning of the year 2000, the sales of recorded music started to drop. Nonetheless, the selling of live music started to increase and has been important in increasing their revenues. The fall of sale of the music can be attributed to the rise of the internet and use of CDs (Gerd 28). The recording company will thus own the recordings and this will be as specified in their contract. Traditionally, the recording company is known to provide the recording artist with an advance payment for his music. It is the duty of the AR department of the recording company to market and sell of music. When it comes to the physical media, the company will have to pay another company to manufacture and distribute the physical music recordings (Paul 31). The issue of piracy has had greater impacts in the sell and distribution of music. There have been instances where a musician’s music ends up in the internet and him or her receiving no payments for his work. The EMI group is the largest recording company in the UK. Research carried out by the Nielsen SoundScan group reported that the EMI group represented a 10 percent of the Music business in Europe (Arango 30). This was in the year 2005. The other percentage has been dominated by US based recording companies. At the end of 2004, the same research company estimated the global market value of music to be around 30 to 40 billion US dollars. The total sales of the CDs, MP3s and music videos were around 3 billion US dollars (Feinstein 72). The EMI recording company only gained 9.5 percent of that amount. According to another report when it came to the end of 2005, the EMI recording company had managed to increase its global competitiveness to 13.5 percent (The Wall Street Journal, 1). This is when compared to other big recording labels like Sony Music Entertainment (29 %) and the Universal Music Group at

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analyzing a Budget Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analyzing a Budget - Essay Example In addition, the expenditures are clearly indicated as well as the source of income or revenues. Fortunately, the expenditures have been included in the budget. The budget clearly includes expenditures in. This is clearly seen for example the expenditures seen are salaries and wages, janitorial supplies, legal advertising among others. Still concerning expenditure, the budget has clear tracking of expenditure. It clearly shows the amount of cash and for what purpose it will be used. This has helped greatly to prevent loss of cash from managing officials. Like in this case it clearly shows the amount of cash slotted for wages and salaries, legal advertisements among many others. Another strength of the budget is that it has included the revenue collection of income. A good budget includes the sources of revenues in it (Arthur 2003). However, this might not be so evident in other types of budgets. In this type of budget, source of revenue has been included which can be seen as state appropriation, county appropriation, patient fees, insurance and Medicaid. The budget has also included the actual revenue receipts. A good budget should have evidence of the actual receipts of the expected revenue or the already collected revenue (Sullivan 2003). This as a greater percentage will help reduce the loss of funds in a particular company or country. However, despite all the strengths of the budget, it has several weaknesses. To begin with, there is no summary of the budget. A good budget should have a summary of the incomes, average receipts, total costs, net drawings from revenues, total income, total outgoings or even if available the money for creditors in any case the company or country or family had Higher than the actual receipts obtained from the previous revenue collection. The budget has no item showing savings. A good budget should have a line item showing savings from

What makes a great leader in the public sector Essay

What makes a great leader in the public sector - Essay Example This paper focuses on the aspects as well as the attributes that distinguishes a great leader from other sorts of leaders. Leadership can be either formal or informal but both involve getting things done. However, the two leaderships apply different strategies to ensure the set goals are met. Formal leadership relies on ones position in an organization and involves using the mandate apportioned to get things done. Informal leadership on the other hand involves an individual volunteering to offer services or under requisition from those who approve of their leading potential (Shafritz and Russell 371). In this leadership, the leaders apply their charisma to win over people after which they are able to influence them to do things. Whether formal or informal, the task of a leader is to form, preserve, and improve a grouping of people such that they are in a position to realize their goals. Excellent leaders are those who can equally employ both formal and informal leadership. Such leaders are capable of mobilising people as well as exercising prescribed authority if in management positions (Shafritz and Ru ssell 372). A good example of a great leader who will forever remain in the minds of many is President Franklin Roosevelt. Even after contracting polio, Roosevelt retained his great capabilities such that he was able to lead America through the Great Depression of 1930 as well triumph in the Second World War. This is because he had the competence of both a leader and was good in management. He was intelligent, focused, and concerned more on the results other than the exact mean of attaining them. It was out of his desire to give the best even in his health condition that he committed himself to establishing policies that enabled the victory of capitalism (Shafritz and Russell 371). There are a number of different sources of power. Expert power is one where the leader is recognized as being competent in a certain speciality. Legitimate power is based on

English Liturture Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

English Liturture - Coursework Example It is such a sad thing that we, human beings have such views and feeling towards our fellow human beings rather than having the less fortunate creations like the animals feeling hatred to human beings for having been blessed more than they have been. Looking at such angle, animals have all the logical reasons for hating men should they have such feelings. However, men hating their equals make no sense at all. This is a sad fact that the highest-thinking living being feels, which would be the saddest part of all because it is decreasing him to a mere animal. These are all evident in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee). Prejudices in To Kill a Mockingbird The story tells of a colored man who has been wrongly accused of rape by a white woman and her father. Being colored, Tom Robinson, the accused was despised and already convicted even before the proper process he needed to undergo. This brought his life to danger, with the white Americans wanting to kill him for the accusa tions made to him even before his trial. Opinions about his being a bad person were already made in the minds of his spectators which eventually had a negative effect to his lawyer, Mr. Finch. The latter was named a negro-lover, extending its effects to his children who were not yet old enough to understand the situation of their father’s client, feeling the resentment of their relatives as well as their neighbors. Racial discrimination has been portrayed in the story in the character of Tom Robinson and his family and the Finch’s helper, Calpurina who represented the prejudiced black people not only in the story but in real life. Gender discrimination on the other hand has been reflected in the speaker’s character, Scout who felt separation in activities enjoyed by his brother and their summer friend, Dill. This also has been strongly seen in the character of the abused Mayella Ewell, the accuser of Tom Robinson. During the trial, it has been revealed that the woman was being abused by his father who was a widower for a long time. Being a drunkard, he has left all his responsibilities to be attended by his first daughter abusing her from household chores to sexually possessing her. The hardships the family experienced placed them among the least privileged and were given the stigma of being in the low class so that the Ewell children were never expected to have decent meals nor finish a year’s education. The family also pictures the life of those who are discriminated because of their social status. Prejudice is such a serious matter that abounds almost everywhere so that it has become the interest of many studies internationally. Suggestions have been made on how to fight against such atrocity especially to those which extend its effect to the killing of other people, not to mention mass murdering a family or race. One of the most common suggestions is education which may help enlighten the minds of people regarding gender, race a nd status. However, in Social Psychology of Prejudice (Crandall & Schaller 1996), it has been mentioned that racism, a form of prejudice thrives even in the intellectual circle. What then is the real score of what we could do about this matter? Race Race is traced in A History: The Construction of Race and Racism (Rogers & Bowman 2008), to religion and science. It is said that the early Christian

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cost Effectiveness for Smoking Cessation Assignment

Cost Effectiveness for Smoking Cessation - Assignment Example This relatively new (it was invented in China, 2003) device fully reproduces the process of smoking. Moreover, it is not harmful and helps to give up a bad habit. Although smoking cessation by means of electronic cigarettes seems to be a good method, a lot of people do not want to try this. It happens because there is a myth that these cigarettes are too expensive and it is better to buy something else in this case. This statement does not face real situation. That is why it is necessary to investigate the cost effectiveness and peculiarities of electronic cigarettes. The research concerning the problem under analysis was conducted by means of the following methods: 1) An anonymous Internet-based and cross-sectional survey. It took place among the first-time purchasers of electronic cigarettes. 2) Interviewing of people who smoke 3) The systematization and analysis of the information received in the process of investigation. 4) Anonymous interrogation. As for the results of my resear ch, there happened to be more men than women in the study. Thus, there were 71.5 percent of men and 28.5 percent of women. The majority of people asked had been smoking for six or even more years. The first group composed approximately 81.1 percent. It should be noted that a lot of people participating in the investigation tried to give up smoking several times (64.7 percent), but nothing helped them and there seemed to be no way out of this situation. Below are the details concerning demographic information, smoking characteristics and reduction of tobacco use after electronic cigarette use. Table 1. Demographic Information Variable N (%) Gender of the participants Male 153 (71.5) Female 61 (28.5) Age of the participants 19-24 41 (19.1) 24-44 114 (53) 45-64 48 (22.2) Over than 65 12 (5.7) Table 2. Smoking Characteristics Variable N (%) Years smoked or smoking history Less than 5 32 (14.8) 5-15 77 (35.5) 16-30 67 (30.9) More than 30 41 (18.8) The number of previous attempts to quit 0 16 (7.8) 1-2 59 (27.3) 3-5 90 (42) More than 5 59 (22.8) Table 3. Cessation or Reduction of Tobacco Use after Electronic Cigarettes use Variable N (%) Reported reducing nicotine use Yes 106 (49.2) No 109 (51) Reduced amount of tobacco cigarettes per day after electronic cigarette use Yes 143 (66.7) No 71 (33.1) Quit or abstained for a period of time Yes 105 (48.9) No 109 (52) It is seen from the tables listed above that more than the half of the participants (about two thirds) noticed positive results after the use of electronic cigarettes. They noted that the desire to smoke was decreased by means of this device. These people started smoking nicotine cigarettes more rarely than usual. Approximately the half of the participants stated that they had given up smoking for a short period of time after buying electronic cigarettes. It should be stressed that more than thirty percent of respondents were not smoking at the six-month point. The relation of electronic cigarettes to six-mon th smoking status is demonstrated in the table below. Table 4. The Relation of Electronic Cigarettes to Six-Month Smoking Status Use Pattern % of not smoking respondents Total. Smoking status at six-month point (n=217) 31 (24.8, 37.3) The number of times applied per day No current electronic cigarette dose (n=98) 26.7 (17.9, 35.7) Less than 5(n=50) 28.0 (15.4, 40.6) 5-10 (n=31) 35.5 (18.3, 52.7) 11-15 (n=16) 31.3 (6.2, 60.4) 16-20 (n=12) 33.2 (6.3, 60.4) More than 20 (n=10) 70.1

Nonmaleficence & Healthcare cost Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nonmaleficence & Healthcare cost - Essay Example The principle of beneficence is basically about acting for the benefit of the patient – that all actions are geared towards ensuring one’s actions would be for the good of the patient. This principle is very much related to that of nonmaleficence which basically mandates that no harm must not intentionally or non-intentionally be visited upon the patient by the health professional’s actions. Finally, the principle of justice is about giving a person his due and what he is entitled to. These principles form the foundation of all health care decisions. For health professionals making decisions about a patient’s care, these principles help guide the healthcare practice towards morally and ethically prudent decisions. In the current era of economic recession which is also causing multiple budget cuts, the imposed health budget cuts seem to be coming under scrutiny for their negative implications to the delivery of health services. The principle of nonmaleficen ce is being considered as a primary consideration in scrutinizing the imposition of health care budget cuts. In effect, the application of health budget cuts contradicts the principle of non-maleficence. This paper shall consider such thesis, discussing both sides of the statement in the hope of eventually establishing a scholarly and comprehensive understanding and resolution of the issue. Discussion Since the beginning of the economic recession period, government spending in almost all sectors of social service has taken on budget cut considerations. These budget cuts have reduced funding for some health care services, and in some areas of health service, have led to total elimination of monetary support. Forms of rationing and rationalization in health care spending have also been implemented. These forms of budget cuts and limitations however have resulted to sacrifices in health care spending – some of these sacrifices have impacted on the quality and quantity of care ma de available to the general population. In considering the principle of nonmaleficence and its application to the reduction of health care spending, two sides of this issue are apparent. In one side, nonmaleficence clearly portrays how budget cuts cause both direct and indirect harm to patients. On the other side, it may be argued that these budget cuts do not cause the patient much harm; instead they make the redistribution of limited resources possible. The discussion below shall review both sides of this issue. Budget cuts cause direct and indirect harm to patients Budget cuts cause both direct and indirect harm to patients. Health care leaders point out that health budget cuts potentially endanger patients (Grant, 2011). With higher health premiums, higher co-pays, as well as deductibles, more people seem to be doing away with preventive care. Patients entering hospitals seem to sicker and harder to care for because they often wait for the last possible moment to seek medical ca re. By the time they seek medical care, their illness has already progressed into less manageable stages of care (Grant, 2011). Imposing budget cuts in the health care practice have also come to mean less nurses hired to care for patients. In effect, fewer nurses are available to care for patients who are hardly reduced in number (Grant, 2011). In considering budgets, numbers are always involved. For those who control the budget, numbers often rule their mind and their decisions. In

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

English Liturture Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

English Liturture - Coursework Example It is such a sad thing that we, human beings have such views and feeling towards our fellow human beings rather than having the less fortunate creations like the animals feeling hatred to human beings for having been blessed more than they have been. Looking at such angle, animals have all the logical reasons for hating men should they have such feelings. However, men hating their equals make no sense at all. This is a sad fact that the highest-thinking living being feels, which would be the saddest part of all because it is decreasing him to a mere animal. These are all evident in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee). Prejudices in To Kill a Mockingbird The story tells of a colored man who has been wrongly accused of rape by a white woman and her father. Being colored, Tom Robinson, the accused was despised and already convicted even before the proper process he needed to undergo. This brought his life to danger, with the white Americans wanting to kill him for the accusa tions made to him even before his trial. Opinions about his being a bad person were already made in the minds of his spectators which eventually had a negative effect to his lawyer, Mr. Finch. The latter was named a negro-lover, extending its effects to his children who were not yet old enough to understand the situation of their father’s client, feeling the resentment of their relatives as well as their neighbors. Racial discrimination has been portrayed in the story in the character of Tom Robinson and his family and the Finch’s helper, Calpurina who represented the prejudiced black people not only in the story but in real life. Gender discrimination on the other hand has been reflected in the speaker’s character, Scout who felt separation in activities enjoyed by his brother and their summer friend, Dill. This also has been strongly seen in the character of the abused Mayella Ewell, the accuser of Tom Robinson. During the trial, it has been revealed that the woman was being abused by his father who was a widower for a long time. Being a drunkard, he has left all his responsibilities to be attended by his first daughter abusing her from household chores to sexually possessing her. The hardships the family experienced placed them among the least privileged and were given the stigma of being in the low class so that the Ewell children were never expected to have decent meals nor finish a year’s education. The family also pictures the life of those who are discriminated because of their social status. Prejudice is such a serious matter that abounds almost everywhere so that it has become the interest of many studies internationally. Suggestions have been made on how to fight against such atrocity especially to those which extend its effect to the killing of other people, not to mention mass murdering a family or race. One of the most common suggestions is education which may help enlighten the minds of people regarding gender, race a nd status. However, in Social Psychology of Prejudice (Crandall & Schaller 1996), it has been mentioned that racism, a form of prejudice thrives even in the intellectual circle. What then is the real score of what we could do about this matter? Race Race is traced in A History: The Construction of Race and Racism (Rogers & Bowman 2008), to religion and science. It is said that the early Christian

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nonmaleficence & Healthcare cost Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nonmaleficence & Healthcare cost - Essay Example The principle of beneficence is basically about acting for the benefit of the patient – that all actions are geared towards ensuring one’s actions would be for the good of the patient. This principle is very much related to that of nonmaleficence which basically mandates that no harm must not intentionally or non-intentionally be visited upon the patient by the health professional’s actions. Finally, the principle of justice is about giving a person his due and what he is entitled to. These principles form the foundation of all health care decisions. For health professionals making decisions about a patient’s care, these principles help guide the healthcare practice towards morally and ethically prudent decisions. In the current era of economic recession which is also causing multiple budget cuts, the imposed health budget cuts seem to be coming under scrutiny for their negative implications to the delivery of health services. The principle of nonmaleficen ce is being considered as a primary consideration in scrutinizing the imposition of health care budget cuts. In effect, the application of health budget cuts contradicts the principle of non-maleficence. This paper shall consider such thesis, discussing both sides of the statement in the hope of eventually establishing a scholarly and comprehensive understanding and resolution of the issue. Discussion Since the beginning of the economic recession period, government spending in almost all sectors of social service has taken on budget cut considerations. These budget cuts have reduced funding for some health care services, and in some areas of health service, have led to total elimination of monetary support. Forms of rationing and rationalization in health care spending have also been implemented. These forms of budget cuts and limitations however have resulted to sacrifices in health care spending – some of these sacrifices have impacted on the quality and quantity of care ma de available to the general population. In considering the principle of nonmaleficence and its application to the reduction of health care spending, two sides of this issue are apparent. In one side, nonmaleficence clearly portrays how budget cuts cause both direct and indirect harm to patients. On the other side, it may be argued that these budget cuts do not cause the patient much harm; instead they make the redistribution of limited resources possible. The discussion below shall review both sides of this issue. Budget cuts cause direct and indirect harm to patients Budget cuts cause both direct and indirect harm to patients. Health care leaders point out that health budget cuts potentially endanger patients (Grant, 2011). With higher health premiums, higher co-pays, as well as deductibles, more people seem to be doing away with preventive care. Patients entering hospitals seem to sicker and harder to care for because they often wait for the last possible moment to seek medical ca re. By the time they seek medical care, their illness has already progressed into less manageable stages of care (Grant, 2011). Imposing budget cuts in the health care practice have also come to mean less nurses hired to care for patients. In effect, fewer nurses are available to care for patients who are hardly reduced in number (Grant, 2011). In considering budgets, numbers are always involved. For those who control the budget, numbers often rule their mind and their decisions. In

Discussing psychologist perspectives and their use Essay Example for Free

Discussing psychologist perspectives and their use Essay Cognitive- This approach is portrayed by two theorists; Jean Piaget and George Kelly. This perspective refers to age-related changes in knowledge and acts of knowing plus understanding. Research shows that this approach is the best treatment practised for almost every single disorder, another positive point to this perspective is that its really quick with lasting changes; it also helps people become more confident and boost people with learning difficulties self-esteem. Its also very easy and works for a majority of people. The negatives to this perspective are that it can be seen as non-person centred, its not effective for lower functioning clients, and some clinicians feel that it doesnt address other issues. This can be used in health and social care through helping individuals who misread situations, as this approach mainly helps people with learning difficulties so it can help certain individuals come to terms with some irrational thoughts they may have. Biological- This perspective is about the view of personality that focuses on the way behaviour and personality are influenced by neuro-anatomy, biochemistry, genetics or evolution. This perspective also helps people understand how and why we have a certain diseases. The positives to this approach; the more we know about the brain, the more we should be able to explain how we operate and to understand what makes us tick. Also the main strength to the biological approach is that chemotherapy, ECT and psychosurgery can be used to treat the symptoms of abnormal behaviour directly and in a very short time. The negatives to this approach are the risk of side effects- e. g. in case of chemotherapy there is the risk that patients may become psychologically and physically dependent on the drugs involved. Symptoms often recur when the treatment stops, so many patients have to be re-admitted to hospital. It also raises serious ethical issues. Other things people look upon as negative is the fact that its hard to determine the extent to which genetic inheritance influences behaviour. This perspective can be used in health and social care through the use of developmental norms, this means making sure that a young child is developing properly, so that their behaviour and understanding matches that if their chronological age.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Machines vs. Human Workers

Machines vs. Human Workers Introduction In the recent past, technology has evolved to such an extent that human labour has either been replaced either partially or completely by machines. People, companies and organizations have turned to research on machines as a possible replacement of human labour by. There have been postulations that machines make work easier. Work which was supposed to be done by several people can be done by only one person who is operating a machine. For example, a company has employed twenty people to be carrying some bags from point A to point B. If this company gets a machine with a conveyer belt to run from point A to B, the company will only need one person to operate the machine and the same work which was supposed to be done by twenty people will be done by one person. This fact has made most of the organizations to embrace technology and employ more machine labour than human labour with a view of cutting down the cost of production and at the same time increase the efficiency of work done. T his paper examines the effects of machines on human labour and how they interact. (Oscar, 2010). The need to make production similar in all aspects of the organization was a major problem facing most of the producers. Producers wanted to produce goods and services which were similar with one another. However, human labour was very different. People have different characteristics and behave differently in the same situation. This is also reflected at the work place. Two different people given the same work will not produce exactly similar results. This became an issue and the first solution was the development of protocols which would guide human beings in labour. These protocols would serve as guidelines to the workers in an attempt to produce similar results. However, the strategy did not yield very good results as expected. There was an increase in the administrative labour needs of organizations. In addition, there were a lot of conflicts between the laborers. The white color laborers and blue color were always in conflict. In addition, the companies could not produce the sam e goods. Research showed that the only way to produce similar products was by the use of a machine which led to the advent of machines. Although the first machines were not as advanced as the current ones, the machines replaced human labour partially. With time, a machine could do the work of very many people and thus reducing the need for human labour (Clay, 2010). Loss of Employment As mentioned above, machines have significantly reduced the need for human labour. Machines make work easier. With the advent of machines, an individual using a machine can perform work which would have needed several people to carry out. A machine will only need one person to operate it and then carry out duties which needed many people. An example is the transport industry. Initially, horses used to be the main means of transport. Each horse would need one individual to transport a person. However, the horses have been replaced by vehicles, planes and trains. These machines have completely replaced the need for horses and their operators. For one horse, one operator was needed and only one person could be transported. Currently, a train can carry one thousand people and with only one operator. In the normal case, transportation of one thousand people would have needed one thousand operators of the horses. However, the train has replaced the rest of nine hundred and ninety nine oper ators rendering them jobless. Machines carry out their functions with a lot of efficiency. Machines are continuously improved to work faster and become more efficient. Machines carry out the functions of human beings at relatively higher speed as compared to human beings. In the transportation of goods from one place to another, a machine can move at a speed which is one thousand times more than the human being or even more. The implication of this is that work which would have needed one thousand days of human labour will only need one day of machine labour. As a result, the machine will replace one thousand days of human labour with one day of human labour. An individual would have worked for a thousand days without the machine. This is thus reduced to just one day. If only two thousands day equivalent of human labour was available, the person will only work for two days only making him or her jobless for the rest of the remaining days (Penslar, 1995). The combination of the fact that a machine can carry out work of several individuals at the same time and do work faster than humans makes it displace human beings effectively. A machine will perform a certain duty faster than human beings and at the same time perform duties of several human beings at the same time. Most organizations will opt to use machines which will reduce the cost of operation by reducing the number of people needed for the job. Machines are therefore being a favorite for most of manufacturers. They will buy and install as many machines as possible so as to minimize human labour as much as possible. The end result will be a situation where very few people are needed for the running of an organization while the rest of the people are replaced by machines. Advancement of Capitalism Machines reduce the need of the company management of employing human workers. The organization will only need to buy a machine and then the organization will not pay human beings salaries and wages. The money which was supposed to be paid as wages and salaries is maintained by the organization as profit. Thus, the machines will divert the money which was supposed to be given to several people to the pocket of one individual. The owner of the organization will continue increasing his profit while the rest of the people who would have served as employees to the organization continue getting poorer as they do not have an income. The income for more than a thousand people will end up going to one person. This means that the people who have the capital to buy machines are more likely become rich while those without capital will become poor. Companies will invest more in buying technology. The organizations will buy software which is for replacement of the administrative duties of the human beings. Software will be designed such that it can perform most of the administrative duties in the organization. This makes the software very expensive and thus making the organizations which make such software benefit much from them. The result will be a boom in the software manufacturing industries. Thus, organizations and institutions which train people on the skills of performing certain job will become obsolete. An organization, for example, training people on the way to ride a horse for transport will become useless as no one will need such people. The machines are thus replacing the need to acquire certain skills. The training institutions for such skills will therefore not be needed and the people employed in those institutions become jobless. Replacement of Human Beings with Robots Part of the functions of human beings has been replaced by machines and robots. In some cases, the functions of human beings have been replaced completely. For example, in the transit of goods in production from one section to another has been replaced completely by the robots. These robots are able to move the goods at very high speed from one region to another without any delays. The machine will work without fatigue and thus can work for even twenty four hours per day. Some of the robots will need the input of human beings as a controller while others will not need such a controller. Depending on whether the robot needs human control or not, there can be complete replacement or partial replacement. Robots which need some human control are better because they do no replace completely the human labour. However, some machines and robots will replace humans completely since they need no human input in their running. They are just programmed and thus run without needing any input from human being. There however some instances in which human labour are very essential. An example is the medical field. Although there have been a lot of advances in medicine, it has become almost impossible to replace human labour with robots (Peterson, 2010). In the diagnosis, robot cannot accurately make a diagnosis. Even with advancement in technology in the medical field, there is no machine which is intelligent enough to carry out the functions of the doctor. Thus, although the machines are taking over most of human functions, there are some of the functions which the machine cannot perform (Williamson, 2000). Human beings have an advantage than robot in that they are intelligent. Human beings are able to think and adjust according to the situation. For example, during an operation, a human being is able to feel the force of pulling a suturing thread and estimate the need for applying more or less energy. However, a robot can easily cause damage because it does not have the feedback mechanism which human being has making it not appropriate for the performance of the specific functions which need a lot of intelligence. Human beings can look at a situation and think on the best way forward (Sheila, 2006). However, a robot or a machine will perform a certain duty in the same manner in all the cases making it not very appropriate for tasks which need thinking (Stevenson, 2010). Advantages of Machines over Human Beings Machines have very many advantages as compared to humans. First, machines perform work faster than human beings. Machines have a very high efficiency and they perform certain tasks at a faster rate than humans (Penslar, 1995). As outlined above, a machine can perform work which human being can take a thousand days in one day. This makes it efficient for the performance of most of duties especially where the time is a limiting factor. An organization will employ machines which will enable it produce a lot of goods or services within a short duration of time. With a machine, an organization will be able to beat all the deadlines and ensure that there are no delays to their customers. Machines have an advantage that they do not get exhausted. As opposed to human labour, most of machines can work for a full day without getting fatigued. This makes them be able to perform tasks which need to be performed throughout. For example, a lift can work for twenty four hours without getting exhausted. This makes it appropriate for use in the buildings. If it were a human being he or she would not be able to withstand the work and would eventually lose control. A machine is also not governed by the laws of labour concerning its working hours as opposed to the human beings who will only work for eight hours per day and any hour above that will be paid as overtime. Machines will not have overtime. Machines are not paid. Although their acquisition is very expensive, they do not need to be paid a salary or a wage. They do not need allowances like human beings. This makes them very cost effective. The money which the organization would have used as salaries forms part of the profit. The organization reduces its cost of production by a high percentage as the machines will replace the need of human labour and thus making it cheap for the organization to operate. The only expenses for the machines are its acquirement and its maintenance which is far much less than what would be the cost of paying employees if they were the ones working. Machines are able to products which are similar. A machine will operate in the same way and will not vary with time. Where it has been adjusted, it produces the goods with that standard. This is very important especially in mass productions where the organization needs to produce a lot of goods which are similar with one another. It makes it easier to test the quality of the goods since just a sample is needed and it acts as a representative of the rest of the products. The sample is a true representation since the machine produced goods which were all the same. For example, in the packaging of oil in the oil cans by ExxonMobil, all the cans contain the same volume and quality of oil as long as the settings were not altered. Thus when someone wants to tests the quality of goods being produced, he or she will just need to test one product. Machines are not vulnerable to corruption. Corruption is gaining root in most of the places especially in the third world countries. To reduce this corruption, machines are employed. A machine will apply one standard to all situations regardless of whatever situation presents. This is as opposed to human beings where a brother or a friend may receive favors of the person in charge. For example, in the automated betting systems, the machine is able to decide without bias who has won which is opposed to a situation where a human being is in control and therefore will be biased (Thompson, 2003). Disadvantages of Machines over Human Beings Machines are at times not able to completely replace human beings. Machines are not able to think and conform to the situation at hand (Zainab, 2010). A machine will not be able to adjust according to the situation so as to make it possible for it to do the best at that time. A machine cannot notice that there needs to be a change in the actions since the environment demands a different way of operation. Human beings can adjust to the situation and change accordingly. A machine will only operate on commands and without the commands, the machines will not operate. What the machine or the robot has been commanded will form its actions until a different command is given (Ridley, 1998). Machines have reduced the need for human labour. Human labour has lost mean because of its cost and its effectiveness. Organizations sack people and their duties taken over by machines. Employees will lose their way of life and make them baggers. Most people will become jobless as the machines take over all the functions of humans. With very efficient and effective machines being produced, they can completely replace all the functions of human beings in an organization. An organization will depend almost completely on the machine for the labour. Conclusion Technology has gone to a very high level in the recent years. Technology has concentrated on making work easier and reduces the need for employing many people. This has led to the decrease in the importance of human labour. People have been losing jobs and their duties played by the machines. The machines have the advantage that they are faster and more effective. They enable an organization to meet its deadlines and thus avoid a situation where the organization is not able to carry its duties in time. On the other hand, machines lead to loss of jobs for people and thus making them not have an income.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A critical review of the major opposing views on arbitration & industri

This paper will critically review the major opposing perspectives on arbitration and industrial relations, with particular attention to how government regulation and intervention relate to the changes made to the system after 1996. The major focus of this brief paper will be to demonstrate that Howard’s industrial relations policies resemble those of the late 1800’s, where the Master and Servant Act’s regulated the relationships between employer and employee. These were replaced with the introduction of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (1904-1921). The outcome from such dramatic change in industrial relations was the forming of unions and major strikes. Subsequently, the new system of employer and employee relations sought to resolve labour disputes and enhance the quality of life for Australian workers. Moreover it was steeped in social democratic ideals and worked to give every Australian a decent standard of living. These ideals have yet shifted back to the individual contract model where the market predetermines wages and working conditions. During pre-federation when free labour came to dominate the colonies; workers exercised their civil citizenship rights through entry into individual employment contracts. The master and servant laws which empowered these individual contracts were imported from Britain and were quickly implemented and regulated in the Colonies. Isaac argues that ‘the master and servant acts †¦ both in concept and practice reflected the harsh penal code used against the convicts’. However, the latter part of the 1800’s brought with it the rising political influence of the working classes and an increasingly powerful trade union. The modification of the master and servant laws through the collectivisation of union groups resulted in a greater role fir state interventions. The 1890’s saw the emergence of many disputes over working conditions and the power employers had over employees, which was legitimised by law. Australian workers were illustrating this through strikes and the formation of unions. In recognising the duty of government to be the protection and economic welfare of its citizens, a court of Conciliation and Arbitration was established in Australia in the 1890’s. The new systems were based in social democratic ideals and worked to give ever... ...ts to replace the idea of "industrial relations" with that of "employee relations" reflect efforts to draw attention away from institutions like tribunals and unions, towards individuals and their direct relationships. Bibliography Bolton, G., (1990) The Oxford History of Australia, vol.5, '1942-1988: The Middle Way', Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Isaac, J., (1998) Australian Labour Market Issues: An Historical Perspective, Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 690-15 MacIntyre, P.G., (1985) A Fair Wage in Winners and Losers: The Pursuit of Social Justice in Australian History, Allen and Unwin: Sydney McCallum, R., (1996) The New Millennium and The Higgins Heritage: Industrial Relations in the 21st Century, Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 38, no. 2, pp.294-312. Parkin, A., Summers, J., & Woodward, D., (1980) Government, Politics and Power in Australia: an Introductory Reader, Melbourne, Victoria. : Longman Cheshire, pp. 372-74 Schmitthoff, C. (1990) Export Trade: The Law and Practice of International Trade: 9th Edition. London: Sweet & Maxwell Solomon, D., (1999) End of the Era of Arbitration, Courier Mail 27th March.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

University of Florida Volleyball :: essays research papers

Through the evolution of associations and legislation, the restrictions of women’s athletics lifted and created equality in athletics between the sexes. In addition, Dr Ruth H. Alexander, Weiss, and Lawler are responsible for the establishment and success of Lady Gator athletics, specifically volleyball. Marilyn McReavy, with a career of 156-100 at UF, and Mary Wise whose reign includes 58 straight home wins lead Lady Gator’s volleyball to a prominent standing not only in the SEC, but also in the nation. In 1967, the Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics for Women functioned under the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Here, three championship divisions were established; 750 at the state level, 150 at the regional level, and 39 and the national level. In 1971, the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) was a product of the Commission. The primary concern (conflict) of the AIAW was the financial restriction placed on women’s athletics. No scholarship or financial aid was available to the athletes as well as a lack of money (support) for recruiting or coaching. In 1972, the U.S. Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which vehemently targeted sex discrimination. In 1975, Title IX gave universities 3 years to change the inequity and grant women’s athletics comparable funds. Dr. Ruth H. Alexander furthered funding equality, increasing from $16,000 to $1,300,000 between 1972 and 1980. As women we re receiving more equal athletic privilege a problem developed in the administration of the Division I teams compared to Divisions II and III. Coaches lead both men’s and women’s teams having two different sets of rules as well as two separate conferences often having conflicting dates. The University of Florida officially approved eight Lady Gator sports, including volleyball, in the 1974-1975 school year. Two years later, six out of the eight sports teams finished in the top ten of the nation for quality of athletes and schedules. The first volleyball SEC tournament occurred in the 1979-1980 school year, three years prior to the NCAA’s request for a women’s tournament from each conference. In 1980, followed the Florida Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics Equity Act. As Alexander’s successor, Weiss came from the University of Utah in 1981 to â€Å"revive Lady Gator volleyball† and brought the University of Florida’s women’s athletic program up to 4th in the nation. She hired Marilyn McReavy, one of two prominent Lady Gator volleyball coaches, who lead the gators until 1991 when Mary Wise was appointed head coach.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Harris on End Times Essay

: Hey, John. What are in you today? You don’t look as upbeat as usual. Is there anything that I can do to help you? John: I don’t know, but perhaps you can. You see, I am taking Eschatology 1. My professor is weird. On top of that, he is a lousy lecturer. I can’t understand what he’s saying. And I can’t even understand my notes! I have to study it and read the book of Revelation in order to pass his test. Steven: Let me see. Hmmm. You’re not a good note taker; it’s very obvious. But I guest your professor isn’t an organized lecturer. Well, you can always read my book and†¦ John: But the exam is four hours away! Steven: Oh my goodness. You are definitely in trouble. Listen, I will lecture you briefly on the main points that you will need to pass this test. Listen carefully, and I hope you’ll get an A. John: Ok Steven: From Chapter 15 of my book, I said the Revelation can be outlined as follows: 1. Prologue: the author’s self-identification and au ¬thority (1:1-20) 2. Jesus’ letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor (2:1-3:22) 3. Visions from heaven: breaking seven seals on a scroll; seven trumpets (4:1-11:19) 4. Signs in heaven: visions of the woman, the dragon, the beast, the Lamb, and the seven plagues (12:1-16:21) 5. Visions of the â€Å"great whore† and the fall of Babylon (Rome) (17:1-18:24) 6. Visions of the eschaton: the warrior Messiah, the imprisonment of the beast and Satan, judgment of the dead, and the final defeat of evil (19:1-20:15) 7. Visions of the â€Å"new heaven and a new earth†; descent of the heavenly Jerusalem to earth (21:1-22:5) 8. Epilogue: authenticity of the author’s prophetic visions and the nearness of their fulfilment (22:6-21). In addition, many of John’s imagery and style came from Old Testament Apocalyptic Literature, and†¦ John: Wait, you mean principles of interpretation in Daniel and others such as â€Å"one apocalyptic day = one literal year† also holds in Revelation? Steven: That’s right! John: So everything I’ve learned in the previous term about Hebrew Prophecy can also be used here? Precisely the reason why I had to take Hermeneutics 2 and Hebrew Prophecy before I study Revelation? Steven: You betcha†¦ John: So first, let me recap. Let’s take a look at the terms the Lamb, the dragon, the heav ¬enly woman, the whore, and the marriage of the Lamb and the heavenly city. They are not literal being but symbols of another referent, right? Steven: Yes, and to take you to the shortcut, the historical belief is the Lamb is Jesus Christ, the dragon is a figure of Satan, the whore is his church the Roman Catholic Church, the marriage of the Lamb symbolizes the union of the Christian Church of the aggregate of the true believers after the Rapture, and the heavenly city is a picture of our destiny with Jesus Christ. Though I find it personally hard to accept that it is literally as described, but I do not really show that in the book because I do not want to offend my Christian brother.