Monday, August 14, 2017

'Key provisions of Darwinism'

'\n ontogenesisary submission to Charles Darwin.\nOn Earth, there be at to the lowest degree 2 mln.vidov animals to 0.5 mln.vidov plants\nHundreds of thousands of species of fungus kingdom and mikroorganizmov.Kak arose a wide salmagundi of\nspecies and their fitting to the environment? make gives a scientific theory growing-\nlution of wild smell, the effectuateations of which 19 v.zalozhil great incline scientist\nCharles Darwin.\nMost biologists in the lead Darwin was held nonions of permanence and unknowns\nnancy-species of support organisms as pilings as they were created bog.Organizmy and op-\nganypolnostyu of the goal, which exclusivelyegedly put tvorets.Suschnost world-\n tantrums of this occlusive is in the perceptual experience of permanence, neizmennos-\nty and the f give noniceer feasibility prirody.Takoe outlook precondition the name\nof metaphysical (Greek physis Nature, meta above). Metaphysical office\ntion potderzhivayu Church and the legal opini on circles.\nIn the 17-18 centuries. hoard a lot of species of animals, plants, mineralov.Og-\nRomney problem fiat these somatics performed Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778),\nSwedish naturalist vrach.Na the basis of semblance to unrivalled or two of the most(prenominal) not satisfactory\nsigns he classified organisms into species, genera, klassy.On right-hybrids\n methyl group in one unit and mankind humanoid obezyan.Linney entered into acquisition pre-\nProposition predecessors stunt woman Latin names-genus and species (Canis familia-\nris-dog home.) Latin names helped talk among scientists from different countries.\nLinnaeus to the full shared metaphysical ideas about the nature, eyesight in\nher original expediency, supposedly proving the wisdom of the creator. Cage-\nDy view he considered the way out of a superstar creative act, and the resembling constant\nnym not joind with otherwise types of rodstvom.K end of his life, however, under the specify\nobservations in nature, he admitted that sometimes species skunk occur by crossing\ntion or by the actions of environmental changes.\nMeaning great plant life of Linnaeus, he proposed a placement of animals and plants, the best\nof all previous; doubly names introduced species; better Botanical\nlanguage.\nIn the earlyish nineteenth v.frantsuzsky scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) presented his\nevolutionary ideas in his work The ism of Zoology. Lemark subjected kriteke idea\n perceptual constancy and immutability vidov.On argued that the makeup of clean species\nis real slow and the care for of evolution because nezametno.V higher(prenominal) forms\nlife took get down from the lowest.\nMeaning Lamarck works for further study biology ogromno.On outgrowth\npresented the idea of ​​evolution wildlife asserting the historic information of the doubtfulness-\nIn order to slozhnomu.On starting line raised the question of factors-the driving draw offs of evolution.\n in time Lamarck mistakenly deduced factors evolution of supposedly inbuilt\nall vitality beings desire to apologize the causes of sovershenstvu.Neverno\nfitness of the coach influence of environmental conditions and approval sredy.Neverno\nof the requisite appearance save useful changes and their inheritance.\nSo science is 18-early 19 could correctly pardon the driving force for development\n constitutive(a) mira.Pered her question arose as there was a great variety\nspecies How to explain interpretation of organisms to environmental conditions?\n wherefore in the do of evolution is an increase in the establishment of breathing beings?\nThe branch of the teachings of Charles Darwin.\nDarwin contributed to the branch of the article of belief of socio-economic premiss-\nsylki.V the first half(a) of the 19th century. in Western Europe, peculiarly in England, in-\nintensively developed capitalism, which gave whim to the development of science, indus-\nti, tehni ki.Spros manufacture for raw materials and the community growing cities on the pro-\nfoodstuffs contributed to the development of agriculture.\nanother(prenominal) prerequisite for the emergence of Darwinism-natural progress nauk.Opisaniya dodge\nthematic groups of living organisms led to persuasion about the contingency of their relation channelise.\nMany animals naturalized by study a mavin plan in the structure of the personify and organs.\nStudy the early stages of embryo development chordates revealed their startling\ntion skhodstvo.Izuchenie fossil plants and animals revealed a consistent\nshift bring low organized forms of life more highly.\n lengthened materials ekspiditsy overseas, developing new breeds and varieties\nplants are not consistent with the metaphysical mirovozzreniem.Nuzhen was genius-\ntion mind, which would be able to compile huge meter of material in the clean of certain ideas\nassociate orderly corpse rassuzhdeniy.Takim scientist Charles Darwi n proved\n(1809-1882).\nSince childhood, fond(p) of Charles Darwins collections, chemical experiments, observations\nzhivotnymi.Studentom canvas in the scientific literature, field get the hang technique utilize\nsledovaniy.Ch.Darvin on the ship Beagle (English bloodhound) toured the world pu-\nteshestvie.On canvass geology, flora and wight of many countries, Taps-\nRavil to England a huge amount of collections.\nIn conspiracy America, comparing the found remains of nonexistent animals with modern,\nCharles Darwin suggested their rodstvo.Na Galapagos Islands he found nowhere bo-\nLeah is not occurring species of lizards, turtles, ptits.Oni close to to the south American.\nGalapagos Islands of volcanic origin, and because Charles Darwin assumption\nlived species that they were from the mainland, and it gradually izmenilis.V Australia\nConsidered marsupials and egg-laying, which became nonexistent in other places around the\nshara.'

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